BCHA, BCH California and Others File Litigation Challenging Tahoe National Forest’s Approval of Motorized Electric Bikes on Non-motorized Trails


SACRAMENTO, October 23, 2019 – Backcountry trail and forest groups in California joined together in a suit filed today that challenges the U.S. Forest Service decision to allow motorized bikes to operate on non-motorized trails in the Tahoe National Forest. Plaintiffs in the suit include the Gold Country Trails Council, Backcountry Horsemen of California, Back Country Horsemen of America, the Forest … Read More

A Motor is a Motor. Um Right


When is a motor on a mountain bike not considered a motor? When the Secretary of Interior commands it. Nothing could be more crazy, but here we are. Electric bikes (e-Bikes) soon could be sharing multiple-use trails with horsemen. On August 29th, Secretary of the Department of Interior (DOI), David Bernhardt, issued Secretarial Order 3376, titled “Increasing Recreational Opportunities through … Read More