Engaging the Next Generation of BCHA
BCHA Youth
Empowering the next generation of stewards: The Back Country Horsemen of America believes that young people are the future of our trails and public lands. BCHA offers a variety of programs and activities that allow youth to develop their leadership skills, build a strong work ethic, and gain a deep appreciation for the outdoors. Through hands-on experience, youth volunteers learn valuable backcountry horsemanship skills while giving back to the places they love.

Presentation on Youth Engagement By Emmy Sauer
This is a presentation about connecting youth with the Back Country Horsemen. It discusses the importance of showing youth the beauty of nature. The presentation argues that youth are the key to saving the wilderness. Back Country Horsemen programs can help youth develop a love for the outdoors. The presenter suggests using a variety of tools to connect with youth, such as games, props, and nature walks. You are free to download and use.