From BCH of California
Note: These are formatted to print one page front and back and some will print to be used in a tri-fold format
- Who We Are and What We Do!
A great overview of each one of the Gentle Use Concepts! - How to Have a Safe and Enjoyable Trail Ride
Here are some tips for a day out riding with safety in mind first! - Lost Rider
If you don’t know where you are going or where you came from, you are lost. - Hello Camp

- A Common Sense Guide for selecting a campsite and use of fire.
- Highlines in the Backcountry
A versatile system that protects the resources, your stock, and your gear! - Equine First Aid
A simple and easy reference guide to common issues and solutions for your critters! - Black Bear Sense
Having more people and vehicles in the back country doesn’t mean there is less danger. - Are You a Mountain Lion Lunch?
A Common Sense Guide for Understanding Mountain Lions. - What’s the Buzz??
So what is that buzz or hum of wings? Is it a bee or wasp? - Living with Rattlesnakes
What’s lurking in the grass……………….? - Bare Bottom Basics
Improper disposal of human waste can produce significant health hazards. - Gentle Use Guide
A pocket guide for Backcountry Stock Users - High Country Manners
A Common Sense Guide for Gentle Use of the Backcountry.
From BCH of Montana

- Cross Cut Saw -information and training (25 pg PDF)
- Chain Saw – information and training (16pg PDF)
- Defensive Horse Safety
- Horse Safety Manual (36 pg PDF)
- Horse Safety Course Outline (3 pg PDF)
- Saddle Fitting by Ron Stuber DVM (5 pg PDF)
- Responsible Education Tips for Horseback Riding from Tread Lightly.