Newsletter, Spring of 2015 Edition
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Inside This Issue Next Gen BCHA 2 From the Chairman’s Saddle 3 National Reports 3,9 From the Secretary’s Desk 5 The Catch Pen 5, 6-7, 12 Tails of the Trails 10-11 Click here to Open the Spring 2015 Newsletter

Newsletter, Winter of 2015 Edition
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Inside This Issue Reintroducing a U.S. Army Unit to Mules and Horses 2 From the Chairman’s Saddle 3 Back Country Horsemen Say Farewell 6,7 National Reports 9 The Catch Pen 10, 11 NextGen BCHA 12 Click here to Open the Winter 2015 Newsletter

Newsletter, Fall of 2014 Edition
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Click to Open the Fall 2014 Newsletter Inside This Issue Next Generation of BCHA 2, 16 From the Chairman’s Saddle 3 National Reports 4-5 40th Anniversary 8 The Catch Pen 8-12 BCHA Outreach Campaign 14

Newsletter, Summer of 2014 Edition
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Click to Open the Summer 2014 Newsletter Inside This Issue Next Generation of BCHA 2 Right or Privilege? 6-7, 12 The Catch Pen 8-9 National Board Meeting Reports 8-9 BCHA’s Legacy Award presented to Smoke Elser of Montana 9 Tales of the Trails 10-11 Letters to BCHA 11

New Forms and Documents

Forms and Documents BCHA Chapter Grants Program BCHA Double Diamond Award E-bike Incident Form Equisure Insurance Gap Loans Information BCHA Shared Drive Horse Camp Incident Form Logo Use Media and Marketing documents Membership Resources MEMBERSHIP DATA RESOURCES: Social Media Policy State & Chapter Update Forms State Organizational Handbook Volunteer Hours Documents Youth Program

BCHA Signs New 5-Year Agreement with National Park Service
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In February 2023, BCHA Chairman Sherry Copeland and National Park Service(NPS) Director Charles F. Sams, III, signed a 5-year General Agreement orientedtoward mutual cooperation. It’s a long-awaited renewal of BCHA’s previousagreement with the agency. The agreement encourages national park unitsthroughout the nation to partner with local BCH chapters for service, education-related and trail maintenance projects. Park units across the nation … Read More

Home For Members

Grant Committee Dates for Accepting Applications & Awards Dates for Grants are as follows:Applications can be made from January 1st to March 15thFrom March 15th to April 1st the committee will review and assign money. BCHA Amends Resolution Opposing Sale or Transfer of Public Lands In April 2016, BCHA’s National Board of Directors amended their 2015 resolution opposing any transfer … Read More

BCHA Public Lands Update On E-Bikes for 2021
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By Randy Rasmussen – BCHA Director of Public Lands and Recreation Public debate is likely to intensify in 2021 regarding the appropriate role of motorized electric bicycle (e-bike) use in outdoor recreation, including the appropriate role of electric mountain bikes (e-MTBs) among backcountry trails. The issue is not going away any time soon. This Public Lands Update summarizes recent changes … Read More

Becoming a Member

Becoming A Member We are a volunteer-driven organization! Get involved by becoming a member and help us to protect our American trails for future generations. Put your skills to work and join a Back Country Horsemen Chapter, be part of a work party to clear your favorite trail, teach Light on the Land ethics. Get to know your local forest … Read More

A Motor is a Motor. Um Right
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When is a motor on a mountain bike not considered a motor? When the Secretary of Interior commands it. Nothing could be more crazy, but here we are. Electric bikes (e-Bikes) soon could be sharing multiple-use trails with horsemen. On August 29th, Secretary of the Department of Interior (DOI), David Bernhardt, issued Secretarial Order 3376, titled “Increasing Recreational Opportunities through … Read More

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