The Back Country Horsemen of Oregon currently includes 9 local chapters, with over 400 members, throughout Oregon. We are a group of local men and women dedicated to the preservation of our right to the common sense use and enjoyment of pack and saddle stock in Oregon’s wilderness and backcountry, We are a nonprofit organization focused exclusively on ensuring public lands throughout Oregon remain accessible to equestrians. Through our principals we advocate for private recreational pack and saddle stock use of all public lands and the stewardship of those lands.
Trail work is one of the mainstay of our mission. Volunteer’s from our 9 chapters participates in some way to help keep trails open. For last year here in Oregon we had another great year with just over $545,000 dollars worth of volunteer dollars donated with just under 14,000 volunteer hours. Throughout the year this included 478 stock that were used while volunteering plus 72,746 travel miles.
The BCHO chapters are key, through their efforts with our limited resources of time and people. Each chapter strives to keep their actions and activities relating directly to the original Back Country Horsemen (BCH) purposes, at the same time offering family-oriented events, rides and equestrian education throughout Oregon. Through work parties and meetings with federal and state public land managers and agencies, members of each chapter work to keep Oregon public trails open and safe for equestrians to ride and use today and for future generations. Join us by becoming a member, making a donation or coming to work alongside us.
- Columbia Gorge BCH Hood River area, contact
- Emerald Empire BCH Eugene area, contact
- East Cascades BCH Central Oregon area, contact
- High Desert Trail Riders BCH Klamath Falls area, contact
- Back Country Wilderness Packers BCH Latest BCHO Chapter, contact
- Sourdough BCH Cave Junction area, contact
- Steens BCH Burns area, contact
- West Cascade BCH Salem area, contact
- Territorial Riders BCH Oregon City & greater Clackamas County, contact
P.O. BOX 543
Veneta OR 97487
United States