San Rafael Backcountry Horsemen of Utah
Project: # 1
San Rafael Equestrian Campground in Emery Country Utah.
Date of Project May 26th, 2022
We partnered with the BLM on improving the equestrian campground. We acquired a grant from Emery County, Utah in the amount of $ 15,000.00 dollars so we could purchase the needed large boulders to improve the parking area and other camping spots on the San Rafael. Emery County also helped in equipment and manpower. We also needed larger horse corrals. We purchased the fencing for the 6 new and larger corrals, 16 ft X 16ft, to be installed, plus the needed supplies for the equestrian campground improvements. We also constructed 1 more camping facility in the campground. This took effort from our chapter members in manpower from welding, post hole digging, cementing in the posts on the corrals, to installing the needed structures. We also have installed a Highline and Hitching rail at an area called Moore Canyon Trail Head just about 2 miles from the San Rafael Campground. The purpose for this was to be able to tie horses up there, instead of using a livestock pen for the rancher’s cattle that graze on this allotment. This project has taken several months to complete and many manhours.

Project # 2
Manti La Sal Mountain Range
Black Canyon area
July 8th 2022
We have also partnered with the US Forest Service in the Manti La Sal District range.
We have installed 2 hitching rails and a Highline at the Black canyon trail head in Emery Country, Utah on the Manti La Sal range. We have also installed 4-wheeler barriers near the trail head of Black Canyon trail to make sure the trail is safe for hikers and horse riders. This trail is a hiking and horseback only trail in Emery Country, Utah. This all took place in about 2 days with the help from our chapter and Emery County, and our chapter volunteers. Emery County supplied the Mimi track hoe and 2 helpers. With the extra grant money we had, we purchased the materials to make the needed highline and hitching posts. We also purchased the posts for the barriers on the trail head. We had one of our volunteers bring his electric cement mixer so we could mix the needed cement we had purchased with the grant money.

Project # 3
Manti La Sal Mountain Range
Josephite trail bridge
Aug 13th 2022
Part of this Grant is also going to improve a trail system on the Manti La Sal range near Joe’s Valley Reservoir in Emery County. We have re-built a bridge on the trail that was in need of repair. Without this, there was a possibility of collapse and possible injury to horses and foot use. We used our horses and pack equipment to accomplish this task. We had to bring in all the needed supplies for the project: hand tools, power tools and devices to transport logs to the needed site. This was done with the help of the San Rafael Backcountry Horsemen of Utah volunteers.